Small businesses represent 95% of all employers in Ontario.
The Ministry of Labour, in collaboration with health and safety system partners, has developed new one-day training resources for Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) in small businesses. The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires employers to ensure that workplaces with 6-19 workers have an HSR. To be effective in carrying out their duties, HSRs should have broad, basic occupational health and safety knowledge and be aware of their specific role in the workplace. To support voluntary HSR training, the Ministry of Labour, in collaboration with health and safety partners, has created a number of training resources
IHSA Safety Talk: Responsibilities. Magazine, Volume 18, Issue 1.
Order the IHSA Struck-by Kit.
New guardrails poster now available.
Small business toolkit: Start your health and safety program in 3 steps.
Cannabis or “marijuana” laws are changing in Canada. It will now be legal for people age 19 or older in Ontario to buy, possess, use and grow recreational cannabis. Provincial laws generally permit cannabis use wherever laws permit tobacco use. Cannabis use for a medical purpose (medical cannabis) continues to be legal.
The Daily Commercial News has compiled a list of words of wisdom for employers and employees on how they can be prepared.
Cutting red tape in order to help create and protect jobs.
WSIB premium rate savings to help employers boost economy.
Cannabis legalization and workplace safety.
Small business toolkit; providing small business owners with step-by-step instruction on how to help ensure a healthy and safe workplace.
Safe At Work Ontario consultation paper.
Symposium of occupational health and disease prevention.
“Worrying many industry groups is the lack of proper laws to ensure workplace safety, especially in sectors that use heavy machinery and other potentially dangerous equipment”
Cell-Based Meat - serving up the details.
Raising Spirits on the Farm.
Rural Landfills - What is in your landfill?
With the legalization of cannabis coming into effect in a week, there is widespread concern in the construction industry surrounding fitness for duty, but one organization says new innovations in impairment testing are on the horizon.
Growing number of freelancers; the number of freelancers (or independent workers) will surpass employed workers within 10 years
Six things an employer should know - from COCA member Sherrard Kuzz LLP
The changing legal status of cannabis in Canada highlights a disconnect between employers and employees, especially as it relates to when and how cannabis can be consumed at work.
Construction rate groups will see premium rate reductions of between 30 and 48 percent.
• WSIB offers premium rate reductions to businesses again in 2018
• Getting ready for our new premium-rate setting model in 2020
• Better access to Specialty Programs
• Small Business Awards: Safety is a group concern
• Small Business Week: We’re here to help
• Our one-stop report shop
Contractors can only enjoy prompt payment if they can produce complete, accurate and timely invoices
IHSA Safety Talk: Dump truck tipovers–workers in vicinity.
Ministry of Labour focuses on struck by injuries.