Tell me what you really think! An honest reference, even if negative, is not defamatory.
Workplace Offences - Personal Hygiene.
WSIB - Important Changes - complimentary seminar Wednesday, November 29, 2017.
Until recently, there wasn't data about the mental health of Canadian farmers. Dr. Andria Jones-Bitton and PhD Candidate Briana Hagen of the Ontario Veterinary College are changing that.
HReview Seminar Series - Workplace Indecencies and Indiscretions - Complimentary Seminar for Employers - Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. View registration details.
This newsletter is published six times a year to highlight important issues in Canadian employment and labour law. This month they address two issues: Taking the “High” Road - Alberta Court of Appeal Clarifies Enforcement of Drug and Alcohol Policies, and Employment Practices Liability Insurance – What’s it all about? In addition - the topic of ' Group Insurance Benefits - Avoid Dangerous Employer Liability Traps!' is being presented at a free breakfast seminar being held on Wednesday September 28, 2016.
Heat, Storms, Hazardous Plants and Insects - What Employers Need to Know and Do to Keep Outdoor Workers Safe this Summer and Fall.
The CFBA is pleased to report that effective March 2016, the Canadian Farm Builders Association has representation on the Task Group that is reviewing the National Farm Building Code of Canada.