Consistent health and safety practices will help strengthen the construction sector in Ontario. Learn more about the Ministry of Labour goals and 16 recommendations in this plan.
IHSA Safety Talk: Fire extinguishers, International Noise Awareness Day – April 26, April is Dig Safe Month, Day of Mourning – April 28, Working at heights deadline extension for certain workers
A Weighty Issue: Discrimination on the Basis of Physical Size, Workplace Fatality
and the WSIB, May 30th, 2017 - Complimentary Seminar - Managing Planned and Unplanned Workplace Absenteeism
The WSIB is offering two complimentary Health and Safety training programs for owners and managers of small businesses. This is a great opportunity to receive instruction and support in designing a program for your business, either with ‘Building Health and Safety Awareness’ or ‘Building Your Health and Safety Program’ options. Further details including dates and locations are available here. Follow this path on the WSIB website: Home / Employers / Health and Safety / Small Business Health and Safety Programs
IHSA Safety Talk: Nail Gun, MOL clarifies definition of a critical injury, IHSA provides free safety downloads, CSA Health and Safety Code for Suspended Equipment Operations currently under review
Tuesday May 30, 2017, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Ministry of Labour prosecutions, Blitz results: Mobile cranes and material hoisting.
• IHSA Safety Talk: Winter Hazards
• COR™ Internal Auditor Conference: February 28
• New online course supports COR™ efforts
• MOL releases 2016 fatality information
• New radio ads will remind workers about working at heights training deadline
• WSIB campaign targets noise induced hearing loss
3 fewer fatalities in 2016 (13 vs 16) than 2015 and 7 fewer criticals (133 vs 140).
Variable reach lift truck hand signals, MOL releases revised noise guidelines, New videos to assist with working at heights training, 2017 IHSA Safety Training across Ontario
Companies that sign up for a voluntary occupational health and safety audit commonly known as the Certificate of Recognition (COR) program have lower rates of serious injuries leading to time off work
Feb. 1st 2017 Seminar: Workplace Investigations - How to Comply with the Law and Manage Risk, Definition - Independent Contractor versus Employee, Accommodations for Addiction.
Chris Plouffe starts new position as Provincial Coordinator Construction Health and Safety, Ministry of Labour.
Product spotlight: Concrete Finishers Health and Safety Manual.
IHSA addresses changes to suspended access equipment regulations with new training programs.
What are the main hazards that Ministry of Labour inspectors see on work sites?
Ontario’s Construction Projects regulation requires the Builder/Contractor to establish emergency response procedures for every project and ensure they are followed. Be prepared.
Current & up and coming Construction Health and Safety Blitz's include - Province-wide: Electrical Hazards, and Regional - Central East: Toilets / Wash up Facilities. New safety requirements related to the operation of suspended access equipment (SAE) will come into force on January 1, 2017.
Farm operators need to periodically perform a risk assessment of their farm buildings to consider the operational impact a fire could cause on their farm. All parties involved with designing, constructing and operating farm buildings must understand the importance of following best management practices to protect these large investments and the people working in the facilities. The following guide examines the major causes of farm building fires and what can be done to reduce the associated risks.