The Government of Canada is offering the CRSB to provide income support to employed and self-employed individuals who are unable to work because they're sick or need to self-isolate due to COVID-19
Fatality & Critical Injury Year-to-Date Overview – Construction
$75 Million Investment and Expert Advice will Improve Training, while making it Safer and More Affordable
CCA members – 70 per cent of which are small and medium-sized, family-run businesses – have been asking for a clear, balanced, fair and flexible infrastructure stimulus plan as Canadians focus on pandemic recovery.
A shortage of skilled trades workers has long been a drag on the Canadian economy, but at least one trade school is doing everything in its power to ensure students are able to continue to learn and prepare to enter the workforce despite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Briefing note from Sherrard Kuzz LLP outlining requirement (effective September 26, 2020) for each Ontario workplace to pro-actively screen employees for COVID-19-related symptoms and risk factors prior to entry into the work environment, each day the employee seeks to enter the work environment. Links to the Ministry of Health information related to this update (Ontario Regulation 364/20).
Farmers can take steps to reduce liabilities when hiring companies to complete building projects
• Ontario in Second Wave of Pandemic
• All Ontario Employers Now Required to Pro-Actively Screen Employees
• Pre-Budget Consultations Underway
• 2019-2020 Public Accounts Reveal $8.7B Deficit
• First Three Pillars in Government’s Six Pillar Plan
IHSA Safety Talk: Working at heights—Site-specific training
IHSA supports Falls Awareness week September 14-18
Virtual Annual General Meeting set for October 7
IHSA is launching Road Safety Solutions campaign to prevent motor vehicle incidents in the trucking sector
Checking the safety record of a business
Applications for the WSIB 2020 Small Business Health and Safety Leadership Awards now open
New Inspectors will help Keep Workers Safe on the Job during COVID-19
Fatality & Critical Injury Year-to-Date Overview – Construction
A historical overview of the CFBA’s involvement with and review of the proposed National Building Code updates with respect to farm buildings in Canada